Call for Full Papers (Education Track)
The World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF) held in Sydney, Australia from 2-5 December 2024 includes an Education Track in partnership with the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES).
The Education Track of WEEF 2024 welcomes papers based on research and practice in engineering education. Authors are now invited to submit full papers for peer review.
Publication in IEEE:Xplore
All full papers in the Education Track will be reviewed according to strict IEEE requirements. If accepted and presented during the WEEF 2024 Conference, they will be submitted to IEEE for potential inclusion in IEEE:Xplore. As such, they will be indexed in Scopus, lodged in the IEEE:Xplore digital library and be discoverable by Google Scholar.
Please note that submissions to other tracks of WEEF 2024 will not be published in IEEE:Xplore (e.g. Leadership Track, Workshops/Panel Discussions, Student Track and Corporate Track).
Abstract submissions
Please refer to the Call For Abstracts for more details, including the conference theme and suggested topics.
Abstract submissions are now closed. We thank all authors for their abstracts.
Please note that papers that have gone through the Abstract submission process first rather than directly to a Full Paper submission will have had:
- The advantage of prescreening,
- The benefit of the reviewer’s comments, and
- An early decision to be able to make travel plans.
Authors who did not submit an abstract can still consider submitting a full paper for double-blind peer review. However such papers miss out on the benefit of an early review for relevance and suitability to the conference.
Author guidelines for full paper submissions
- Papers should be written in English and prepared using the IEEE conference proceedings template, which can be found on the IEEE website:
- Please use the A4 template from IEEE. Papers should be in PDF format for upload to ConfTool.
- Peer review of full papers will follow a double-blind review process. Please remove ALL identifying features (authors’ names and affiliations) from the version of the full paper that you upload for peer review.
If the body of your paper contains other identifying information such as your institution/department name, such that it would clearly identify the authors, please consider replacing it with something generic like “XYZ University” for the peer review process. Please also remove any identifying metadata from your file. After the peer review process, accepted authors will be asked to upload the final “camera-ready” version of their paper with all relevant details.
- Please take reviewer feedback from your abstract submission into account when preparing your full paper.
- Papers are limited to a final length of no more than 9 pages (including references).
Submission instructions
Once you are ready to submit your full paper for peer review, please follow these instructions:
- Log on to ConfTool:
- Click on “Your submissions”
- Choose “Education Track: Full Paper Submissions”. Please check very carefully as there are multiple tracks. Only the Education Track will be considered for publication in IEEE:Xplore.
- Please fill in the details. Use the “Upload Contribution” link to upload the PDF of your full paper for peer review.
Information for authors of full papers
Information for authors of full papers
Full papers that are accepted and presented during WEEF-GEDC 2024 will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication.
Please note that the conference is being conducted in person in Sydney, Australia, and at least one author is required to register for the conference and present an accepted paper. Papers will only form part of the conference proceedings if they are presented at the conference, and only after being accepted through the double-blind peer review process.